Select Beauty Solutions

Stick and poke tattoo removal


Do you regret your stick and poke tattoo?

Stick and poke tattoo removal

Do you have a stick and poke tattoo that you don’t love anymore, we can help!

We at Select Beauty Solutions in Dubai offer Non Laser Tattoo removal in Dubai using the revolutionary Rejuvi tattoo removal technique. We use this for cosmetic tattooing removal such as lip ink removal, eyebrow pigment removal and to remove regular body tattoos. It is not a complicated procedure but it does take time as in between each session the skin will have to heal completely. The sessions are about 4-8 weeks apart.

  • How do i go about fixing eyebrow tattoos in Dubai?
  • Are stick and poke tattoos permanent?
  • How long does it take for a stick and poke tattoo to fade?
  • Which method do i use to fix my stick and poke tattoo?

In most cases stick and poke tattoos can be removed but it must be done by a professional and definitely not by laser as it can scar, involves many more sessions and is therefore much more expensive.

Localised self administered removal creams, or dermabrasion, coconut extract, lemon juice, despite what people will say, will NOT fade the ink. The only safe, effective and cheaper method to remove a tattoo is non laser tattoo removal, the most effective treatment to date is the rejuvi tattoo removal technique.

  • safer
  • less expensive
  • less time
  • less painful
It is strongly advised that all tattoos are performed and created by a licensed trained tattoo artist, in the long term it is cheaper as they generally look much better and therefore you will not want them removed. However, basic self made tattoos using a sewing needle and any inks available have become a craze amongst young people, where it is common for small tattoos to be self administered at home. Generally they don’t look great, they become blurred and heal with a green/blue hue colour, not black or the colour as desired. Most stick and poke tattoos end up a huge regret and removing them is not an easy process but it can be achieved using the rejuvi tattoo removal technique in Dubai.

Our specially formulated Rejuvi tattoo removal solution is inserted into the dermal layer of the skin, where a chemical formulated solution forms a bonding reaction with the unwanted ink. The body will immediately expel the solution and with it the unwanted ink to the surface of the skin, this reaction will continue over the following few days. Eventually, like with most wounds a scab will form, with the ink attached to the rejected solution and the crust will eventually fall off. This procedure will be repeated at least 2-3 times depending on how deep the ink has been inserted into the skin, how long ago and to which area of the skin it is located.
If you are thinking about covering a body tattoo with another design or fixing your eyebrow tattoo, by lightening the pigment/ink using our process it will take less sessions than removing a tattoo entirely.

The quickest way to get rid of a stick and poke tattoo without laser is to use the rejuvi tattoo removal technique. It is by far the best way. The only way to remove your stick and poke tattoo is to go to a reputable rejuvi tattoo removal clinic, where a powerful bonding solution will extract the unwanted tattoo safely, and effectively from the dermal layer of the skin. This method will remove your stick and poke tattoo faster and safer than any other procedure.

In time will my stick and poke unwanted tattoo fade? Yes it will, but unless it is administered professionally it will never completely fade, most people have stick and poke regrets. Stick and poke tattoos generally last a long time, estimated between five and ten years depending on where on the body it is. Eventually it will look washed out, smudged and fade into a blob.

We look forward to resolving your problem by removing all medium to small unwanted tattoos for you and very much value your custom. To book a treatment please fill in the form on the CONTACT PAGE or email us on Should you wish to have a chat before booking your treatment please do not hesitate to call us on +971558438778.

My husband went ballistic!! I knew that i had made a big mistake as soon as i had poked my hand and after a week when it had nearly healed i tried to scrub it out with great force using my fingers until i realized it wasn’t working. I would highly recommend Select Beauty Solutions to have your tattoo regrets removed using the Rejuvi method. It works. Its a new technique that removes Indian Inks effectively and takes less time and less money than laser techniques. The technician will inject a safe regulated chemical solution directly into the tattoo. Its awesome the solution bonds with the ink and causes it to come back out of the skin. After the scab had healed i had pleasure in seeing it slough off and eventually disappear. It only took 2 sessions! I am so pleased with the results of this type of tattoo removal and vow NEVER to do such a stupid thing again in my life. The technician was very kind and understanding taking great care using masses of numbing cream. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my husband is now talking to me again….

– Bryleen Freedom, UAE

I am only 15 and will never forget the day my mum saw the tattoo i had poked on my ankle. She found SBS and the lady removed what i had done in 3 sessions. It wasn’t painful, she was very patient with me. 

– Mayna Patel, Dubai